Shimura, T. and N.Mori (2017) Future Change of Storm Surge Risk under Global Warming Based on Mega-ensemble Global Climate Projections (d4PDF), Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017, 11p.
N.Mori, T. Shimura, H. Kamahori and A. Chawla (2017) Historical Wave Climate Hindcasts Based on JRA-55, Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017, 8p.
Shimura, T., N.Mori, T.Yasuda and H.Mase (2014) Future Projection of Ocean Wave Climate Change Using Multi-SST Ensemble Experiments, Proceedings of the 34rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2014), No.34, 12p.
Shimura, T., N.Mori, T.Yasuda and H.Mase (2013) Future Projections of Global Wave Climate by Multi-SST and Multi-Physics Ensemble Experiments, Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, 9p.
Mori, N., T. Shimura, S. Nakajo, D. Tsujio, T. Yasuda, H. Mase and K.D. Suh (2013) Projection of future wave climate change and application to coastal structure design, Proceedings of Breakwater Conference, Edinburgh, 9p
Shimura, T., N.Mori, T.Yasuda and H.Mase (2012) Wave Dynamics and Its Impact to Wave Climate Projection, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2012), No.33, 11p.
Mori, N., T. Shimura, S. Nakajo, T. Yasuda, and H. Mase (2012). Multi-model ensemble projection of future coastal climate change, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2012), No.33, 11p.
Shimura, T., N. Mori, S. Nakajo, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2011) Extreme Wave Climate Change Projection at the End of 21st Century, Proceedings of Asia Pacific Coasts 2011 (APAC2011), No.39, 8p.
Mori, N., T., Shimura, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2010) Dynamic Projection of Future Wave Climate Change in Global Scale, The WCRP/JCOMM Workshop on Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Projections (COWCLIP), World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 1p.
Shimura, T., N. Mori, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2010) Wave Climate Change Projection at the End of 21st Century, The 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2010), No.32, 2p.
Oral/Poster Presentations:
Future Changes In Spectral Wave Climate Around Japan Under Global Warming, ICCE (online), 2020年
気候変動による日本周辺の波候スペクトルの将来変化予測, 海岸工学講演会(鹿児島),2019年
JRA-55 Forced High-Resolution Wave Climate Hindcast around Japan and its Spectral Representation, International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards (Melbourne), 2019年
Exploring the sensitivity of global ocean to surface wave dependent processes, AMOS-ICTMO (Darwin), 2019年
Wave Climate Variability and Related Climate Indices, ICCE (America), 2018年
Historical Variability and Projected Future Changes in Ocean Wave Spectrum Climate around Japan, COWCLIP meeting (France), 2018年
Long Term Impacts of Ocean Wave-dependent Roughness on Global Climate Systems by Coupled Atmospheric Global Climate-wave Model, International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards (Liverpool), 2017年
Future Change of Storm Surge Risk under Global Warming Based on Mega-ensemble Global Climate Projections (d4PDF), Coastal Dynamics (Denmark), 2017年
Estimation of storm surge risk changes under global warming based on mega-ensemble global climate simulations, CLIVAR (Qingdao), 2016年
北太平洋における冬季の波候と大規模循環場の将来変化予測, 海岸工学講演会 (東京),2015年
Robust Future Decrease in Winter Wave Heights over the Western North Pacific and the Relation with Large-Scale Circulation Pattern, COWCLIP meeting (France), 2015年
Future Projections of Global Wave Climate by Multi-SST and Multi-Physics Ensemble Experiments, International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting (Canada), 2013年